Sexier Than A Squirrel!

This amazing program helps dogs to focus on you instead of the crazy distractions out there in the rest of the world

Course Summary

You're out for a walk and out pops a..... SQUIRREL!!! What will your dog do?? Wouldn't it be nice if your dog chose YOU instead of the squirrel? Did you know it's possible?

Join us in the of Sexier Than A Squirrel Challenge! For 25 day we'll learn games that teach our dogs how much fun we really are. This amazing program helps dogs to focus on you instead of the crazy distractions out there in the rest of the world. As an Absolute Dogs affiliate, Cruisin' Canines can offer you this course for the amazing price of $40 CDN. This gives you 25 days of fun filled learning and relationship building between you and your dog, and is a great introduction to games-based concept training if you've never tried it before.

You'll get:

       1. Twenty five days of video tuition accessible anytime, anywhere.
       2. Twenty five step-by-step dog training games.
       3. Exclusive Facebook Group community with live teaching.
       4. Twenty five Day downloadable challenge calender to keep track of your game playing fun!

Signing up through us gives you the added benefit of personal support in a fun filled, supportive learning environment that goes at the pace you and your dog need to gain those life skills!

Amanda Glickman

Course Pricing

Sexier Than A Squirrel One time payment

$40 CAD

  • Single payment

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